Saturday, February 14, 2009

Two styles

Even simple programs can be written many different ways. This article shows an example of two different styles for a very simple program - I hope the difference is instructive.

The code is shown in Java - but the two styles are applicable to any object-oriented programming language.

The problem to solve

The problem is a slightly reduced version of the parsing part of this robot blocks programming contest problem. To slightly reduce the problem I just use the first two commands and treat the input as a string rather than a file.

Therefore, the problem is to parse input that looks like this:
move 4 over 3
move 3 onto 5
i.e. the first line is the number of blocks (used to set up the robot), the last line is "quit" (that's just how the input is - has no effect on the robot) and the lines in between are commands (each line is one command, e.g. "move over" is a single command with two parameters, the source block and the destination block).

No validation is needed - the input will always be well formed - there are no tricks in the question - it is as it looks.

The input will be used to control a robot. You can come up with whatever api you want - you can treat it as if you will be implementing the robot at some point too.

Now your turn

Please have a go at implementing this in Java or a similar language - (parsing input like that shown) - allow a maximum of one hour. If you have any questions about the problem, take the answer as being whatever makes it simplest - there are no tricks to this.

What did you end up with?

I've seen a lot of solutions to this over the last year. That is because I've been doing a lot of interviewing for my client (using the best interview question) and have used this example many times.

What most people end up with

Here's a solution in the most popular style:
package com.oocode;

import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.oocode.Command.Type;

public class RobotParser {
  private final int numberOfBlocks;
  private final List commands = new ArrayList();

  public RobotParser(String input) {
    String[] lines = input.split("\n");
    numberOfBlocks = parseInt(lines[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
      String line = lines[i];
      String[] parts = line.split(" ");
      int sourceBlock = parseInt(parts[1]);
      int destinationBlock = parseInt(parts[3]);
      Type type = parts[2].equals("over") ? 
            Command.Type.MOVE_OVER :
      commands.add(new Command(sourceBlock, 

  public int getNumberOfBlocks() {
    return numberOfBlocks;

  public List getCommands() {
    return commands;
package com.oocode;

public class Command {
  private final int sourceBlock;
  private final int destinationBlock;
  private final Type type;
  public Command(int sourceBlock, 
                 int destinationBlock, 
                 Type type) {
    this.sourceBlock = sourceBlock;
    this.destinationBlock = destinationBlock;
    this.type = type;
  public enum Type {
  public int getSourceBlock(){
    return sourceBlock;
  public int getDestinationBlock(){
    return destinationBlock;
  public Type getType() {
    return type;

This is a decent representative of this style. I've chosen a shortish variation of the style to keep down the amount of code you have to wade through (although it could have been slightly shorter still if I'd parsed the command type using the enum). A popular variation is to have a Command interface and different implementations for MoveOverCommand and MoveOntoCommand. One thing that is quite nice about the problem is that there is scope in the solutions for showing different programming style and taste.

As far as the "two styles" that I'm talking about, the important feature is that the RobotParser has getters for the numberOfBlocks and the Commands, which are NoJos.

An alternative solution

Hardly anyone implements this alternative style:
package com.oocode;

import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;

public class RobotParser {
  private final Robot robot;

  public RobotParser(Robot robot) {
    this.robot = robot;

  public void parse(String input) {
    String[] lines = input.split("\n");
    int numberOfBlocks = parseInt(lines[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
      String line = lines[i];
      String[] parts = line.split(" ");
      int sourceBlock = parseInt(parts[1]);
      int destinationBlock = parseInt(parts[3]);
      if(parts[2].equals("over")) {
        robot.moveOver(sourceBlock, destinationBlock);
      } else {
        robot.moveOnto(sourceBlock, destinationBlock);

package com.oocode;

public interface Robot {
  void moveOver(int sourceBlock, int destinationBlock);

  void moveOnto(int sourceBlock, int destinationBlock);

  void setNumberOfBlocks(int numberOfBlocks);

A variation of this would be to have a RobotFactory which creates a Robot for a given number of blocks, to prevent the possibility of command methods being called before "setNumberOfBlocks". I would expect the implementation to use a BufferedReader if it were reading from a file rather than a string input. As before, I've gone for a short variation of this style.

In this style, the important feature is that there are no getters, and no Command class or classes. You could possibly describe this solution as being an example of "tell don't ask".

And finally ...

Most of the solutions I have seen to the problem have been during interviews that I have conducted. During these interviews, most solutions are the first style and hardly any of the second style.

I don't know whether the popularity of the first style is skewed by it being an interview situation, by the demographics of the people I am interviewing or for some other reason. Most of the interviewees didn't use TDD but did write automated unit tests after the code. However, the majority of those using TDD still produced the first style.

What do you think? What would you do? Which style is "better"? Is that a valid question? If you come up with a different solution that you think is interesting then please put a comment with a link to your blog - please don't paste code in your comments or they will get too long and probably won't format well anyway.

I'm looking forward to seeing something completely different - regex anyone? I don't know - I'm sure there are other styles but the first one shown is, by far, the one I have seen most often when interviewing for Java developers. (And, of course, different languages could produce completely different styles).

And finally - does anyone have good names for these two styles (maybe "getter style" vs "doer style")?

Copyright © 2009 Ivan Moore